Malnutrition contributes to poor health, aggravates diseases, and reduces productivity and compounds poverty and its after effects. For over 50 years, there has been concern about the high prevalence of hunger and malnutrition in a world that has the capacity to feed its people. Populations affected are mainly those from poor developing countries, which depend on subsistence agriculture and are predominantly rural.

Uganda is among the countries with highest death rate of malnutrition death rate (16.0 per 100,000) and is ranked 45th out of 192 in the world (WHO, 2013). Surprisingly though, Uganda produces a wide range of crops, including cereals such as maize, millet and sorghum; root crops such as cassava, sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes, bananas and pulses like beans and peas and produces animal products from dairy and beef animals, poultry, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and edible insects, it has . The inland fresh water bodies provide large quantities of fish. The available foodstuffs of both plant and animal origin potentially offer a balanced diet . Subsistence farmers produce most of the food, although not all people can afford it.

Malnutrition can be attributed to: Frequent illness, Malaria, diarrhea, infections, chronic illnesses like cancer. Too early & improper weaning, poor/Late seeking of health care Inadequate dietary intake, Poor feeding frequency, Poor feeding practices, Insufficiently diverse diets Inadequate maternal &child care and especially lack of awareness or knowledge on nutrition and poverty which hinders access to food.